Last week, the Chancellor of the Exchequer
did his best to sabotage any hope of retaining good access to EU markets by
insisting that the UK will deliberately diverge from EU standards and
regulations; this week he went to Davos and came close to starting a tariff war
with the USA. It certainly honours the
government’s commitment to run talks with the EU and the USA in parallel rather
than in series, but I hadn’t realised that the objective of doing that was to
wreck both. But, wait a moment – what was
the Chancellor even doing in Davos? It’s
only a month since the PM banned
all cabinet ministers from attending the gathering saying that they were
going to be far too busy at home. It was,
of course, a ‘Boris Johnson pledge’, and therefore not meant to be taken
seriously, but it’s a pretty blatant U-turn even by his standards.
Perhaps the PM thought that, after attempting to sabotage the EU talks
last week, the Chancellor could do less damage in Davos than he could if he
stayed in London. If he did, the PM may
have, to use a Bushism, seriously
misunderestimated Javid’s capacity for following his own example.
Bute Energy windfarm blocked by ‘out-of-date’ reports on badgers, bats and
Martin Shipton Bute Energy has suffered a setback to its strategy to create
a network of windfarms across mid Wales after a planning inspector ruled
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Oh you wait, there's plenty more to come from that lot. This is a cock-up machine without an effective Opposition to apply any brakes to instill sense or perspective. Rampant ideologies without logical foundations. Only option for Wales is a smart exit a.s.a.p
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