Members of his
own party are already prejudging the outcome to the extent of setting up a
group to campaign against continued membership, whatever the outcome of the ‘negotiations’. And the key themes of that campaign are
already becoming clear. They will be
about ‘control of our borders’ (a euphemism for opposing immigration), ‘reducing
regulation’ (a euphemism for discarding protection for workers and the
environment), and the ‘sovereignty of the UK’ (an appeal to little Englanders
everywhere). The notable thing about all
three is that, however much they may be rationalized, they are essentially
appeals to the heart, not to the head.
In comparison,
the main lines which the supporters of EU membership seem likely to take look
dull, weak, and are open to easy rebuttal.
The main one to date has been that the EU is ‘good for business’, and
businesses are lining up to make dire threats about what an exit would
mean. But ‘good for existing businesses’
is not the same as ‘good for business’ in a more generic sense. Even leaving aside the far from insignificant
question about whether the head honchos of large businesses making threats will
be a positive or a negative factor in the minds of people, this whole argument
has an air of ‘well, they would, wouldn’t they’ about it. Businesses doing well in a particular
environment will seek to preserve that environment, but it doesn’t mean that
other businesses could not do equally as well in a different environment.
And – in Wales
at least – the other main line of defence is around the funding that Wales
receives ‘from Brussels’. The
separatists have logic on their side when they argue that it is just our own
money being recycled and that there’s no reason why the UK Government couldn’t
simply allocate the money directly and cut out the middle man. I don’t believe that they would, and neither –
it seems – do politicians of any of the parties which might conceivably form a
UK Government, but ‘vote yes because unelected Brussels bureaucrats rare more
likely to treat us fairly that the politicians we elect to London’ is a long
way short of inspirational.
The problem is
that even the EU’s strongest supporters in the UK don’t ever seem to have
bought in to the founding principles of the Union, and have seen it as being a
matter of simple economics. I’m not
convinced that that will be enough to win the day in the long term. It may succeed in getting a yes vote in a
particular referendum, but that’s a short term victory which could turn out to
be Pyrrhic.
Just supposing
that the ‘yes’ side wins, by a margin of say 55-45, to pull a figure out of the
air. Does that mean that the ‘losing’
side simply go away, or is there a danger that they simply become stronger than
before? Something very similar happened
in another context in the very recent past, after all. The point is that the ‘yes’ side need to win
the argument, not just the vote, but I see few signs of any realisation of
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