A letter in this week's 'Carmarthen Journal' drew my attention to a report that I somehow missed in the same paper a week or two before Christmas. The report covers the reactions of local MPs to the vote on the increase in tuition fees.
There should be no surprise, of course, about the fact that the Tory MP for Carmarthen West supported his government's policy; but the refreshing honesty with which he explains his actions is rather more surprising. He refers directly to the fact that "it's not going to affect Welsh students", because of course the decision in Wales is devolved to the Welsh Government. "Lucky Wales", he might almost have added, "that students here won't suffer as a result of my support for government policies".
It does, once again, highlight the 'West Lothian question'; there is surely something very wrong with a situation where MPs can happily vote in favour of an unpopular policy on the basis that it doesn't affect their own constituents.
Slogans are not enough: need has to be met
My Green New Deal colleague, Colin Hines, has this post on the Green
Alliance blog this morning. I reproduce it with his permission: The rise
* Read the ful...
3 hours ago
Hence the need for an English Parliament, no more West lothian Question and democracy for the people of England
I'm less concerned about the West Lothian Question, asked by a Scot whining about the fact he couldn't vote on matters affecting his own Scottish constituents, than I am about the English Question, which is why do the English not have their own parliament with their own First Minister?
I fail to see why the English should be treated as inferiors, democratically, socially, culturally and not least in their identity, merely because we are in a union with other countries.
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