It would be hard to
find a better example of why the legislative processes in London are unfit for purpose. In the first place, we have the revelation
that a specific resolution of parliament is needed to enable bilingual ballots
despite the fact that it has been established practice for decades, and in the
second, the complete inability of the system to produce and pass such a
resolution before the ballot papers were printed.
The result of this
incompetence is that Returning Officers across Wales printed two sets of ballot
papers, just in case the legislation was not passed in time, and will now have
to pulp 2.3 million of them. There’s an
environmental cost to that, as well as a not insignificant financial cost. It seems that £350,000 has been wasted on producing
the two sets of ballot papers – and the politicians are blaming the government in
general and the Home Office in particular for that wastage.
But hold on a
minute – did those Returning Officers who had two sets of papers printed really
believe that it was going to be acceptable to issue monolingual ballot
papers? Despite all the advances in the
use and visibility of Welsh in recent decades, one can only conclude that, yes,
they really did believe that they would have been able to use English-only
documents if the legislation had not been passed. If they had not believed that, then they
would never have authorised the printing of two sets.
It says a lot about
their understanding of where Wales
is today. Time for some new Returning
Officers, perhaps. Ones who understand
the linguistic reality of contemporary Wales might be a good start.