I mentioned yesterday the fact that some councils are looking to distinguish between statutory and non-statutory services, with a view to cutting out the latter. Until Carmarthenshire started considering withdrawing transport for pupils aged 16 to 19, I hadn't realised that providing school transport for pupils aged over 16 came into the second category.
It's not offically a firm proposal as yet, since a task and finish group is still looking at it – but the cost saving has already been deducted from the council's indicative budgets from 2011 onwards. And there are still two options for implementation – simply removing the service entirely, or charging an economic cost for its provision.
One astounding argument advanced at yesterday's budget-setting meeting was that most of the young people concerned receive EMA to encourage them to stay on in school, and that they could pay their own transport costs out of that allowance. What the government giveth, the council taketh away, as it were. (And presumably, if the result were to be that fewer children decided to return to education after GCSEs as a result of reducing the financial incentive, that would give the authority another chance for some 'savings'?)
But there is another aspect to this which concerns me. FE colleges are now independent of local authority control, so any decision to remove transport for 16+ pupils would not affect those who opt for FE colleges. I have long suspected that the unstated agenda of officials at both county council level and Assembly Government level is the abolition of sixth forms, and their replacement by tertiary colleges created by the expansion of FE.
When they try to achieve that aim directly, they hit massive parental opposition. But what if they could achieve the same result by stealth? By, for instance, making FE financially more attractive than the 6th forms?
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Bruce Sinclair, local democracy reporter Pembrokeshire County Council’s
monitoring of the controversial Withyhedge landfill site and unsuccessful
legal c...
1 hour ago
There is an attempt by the Vale of Glamorgan Council to remove free transport for 16-19 year olds, which is currently provided for students at both 6th forms and FE colleges.
This is undoubtedly the agenda in Rhondda Cynon Taf and is one massively opposed by Plaid Cymru councillors and AMs. In Cynon Valley it's one that greatly concerns Dafydd Trystan as Parliamentary candidate.
Don't know about the situation in the Vale, but in Carmarthenshire, transport to schools is provided by the county council, and transport to the FE colleges is provided by the colleges. So the council can only remove the first part, not the second - colleges are likely to see the advantage (to them) of continuing to provide transport, of course.
tell you what ask the Scarlets for the loan back, and perhaps ask the people the next time they want to build a new rugby stadium, as for this idea we now need an art gallery in Llanelli are they raving mad.
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